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Battle Nail Challenge ~ Update

The Battle Nail Challenge Update

Hi everybody, so if you don’t already know I am organising a nail challenge called ‘The Battle Nail Challenge’ and you can complete it entirely at your own pace. One manicure a week or fortnight or if you have more free time on your hands you could do more than one manicure a week. It’s up to you!!! For more details click here:
Anyway, the challenge is starting soon on the 1stof November. Below is a list of lovely bloggers who have already joined the challenge and you are more than welcome to join in J Just leave a link to your blog below in the comments.

Nail Polish Anon
Mateja Mateja
Simran Sekhon
Love My Nails
Zoe x

Thanks to everybody who has joined in, only two more days until the challenge begins, I’m super excited!!!

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