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FOOD - Fish and Vegetables in the oven

Do you have those moments when you do not want to stand behind the stove and have to cook and bake everything separately? Try this recipe. It's quick and easy and you don't have to use the four burners but only the oven. But the most important thing is that it is healthy!


1 medium eggplant1 large onion2 large tomatoes3 medium aardappellen (half firm - half floury)2 or 4 green sweet pepper (i bought mine in a turkish shop)2 or 4 pieces of fish ( from freezer or fresh)Olive oilfish spices


Cut all vegetables into slices. They should all be of the same thickness so that they are done concurrently. The pepper you don't have to cut it.

Cover the baking pan with parchment paper or reusable underlay. Put all sliced vegetables and potatoes on the baking sheet.

Drizzle oil (or with a brush) over the vegetables.

Place the fish of your choice on top of the vegetables along with the green chilies.

Sprinkle over the fish spices . You can always use other herbs. Just what you like.

Now put the dish in the oven and bake until cooked in one hour at 180 degrees.

After one hour your dish is cooked through and from the tomatoes you get a sauce 

I say enjoy your meal!

Do you also made ​​a similar dish ? What have you used? Leave a comment below this blog post.


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