Tony Miselli

Sarah Palin was never able to govern. As leader of the fiftieth state of Alaska she took her orders from oil elites in running the state with a little more than half a million residents. She somehow impressed old John Mccain who made the foolish mistake to put this dimbo on the ticket. she was a complete disaster but right wing media outlets loved her and she was soon a staple on cable broadcast. She is now worth a reported twenty million from her media platforms and this is the primary reason she was so quick to leave the governors house in steamy Alaska. As we have seen in the past it is not too difficult for women who are not that bright to make millions and millions from television and I am sure Oprah Winfrey gave her some insight on how to be a media darling and get money for nothing. This is how rich people operate and scam money for themselves and perhaps there is no easier way than to get into politics and television. All you have to do is say some very stupid things in front of the cameras to make yourself standout from the other politicians. when you have a system that rewards people for their smugness and bullshit in front of a television screen then you have a system that deserves a total collapse.
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